Monday 4 October 2010

The Stock is Rising

Very interesting project to attempt to levitate the Frankfurt Stock Exchange-

The Stock Is Rising is the latest project by artist Annika Lundgren and operates with the notions of collective willpower and how faith creates reality. Consisting of one internet based part and one live part, The Stock Is Rising aims to levitate the old Frankfurt Stock Exchange to drive out evil spirits. The online meditation begins on August 21, accumulating spiritual power for a month through the contribution of visitors from all around the world. This manifestation accumulates in a physical gathering in front of the building at Börsenplatz in downtown Frankfurt between 15.00 and 17.35 on September 21, where the Stock Exchange will be elevated in a final, collective effort. The financial sector’s use of, and faith in the index graph undeniably creates an economic reality for everyone, but the faith of a determined community of levitationists using a different set of values can also create an ethical and political reality. On the one hand; stock brokers frantically preoccupied with stocks, options and funds representing only a ficticious value. One the other; a group of people focusing their mental powers to challenge the way this system affects democracy. Which, after all - is the more absurd idea? The project is also a tribute to American activist Abbie Hoffman and his Pentagon-levitation during the protests against the Vietnam war in 1967. The Stock Is Rising is picking up where Hoffman left off.

More about the project at:

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