Wednesday 13 October 2010

Methods of constructing musical scores...

Illustration for Deriving Harmonic Mean:
1) Distances: take/find a distance (mi.) (A) between point a (first/original site) and point b (second site), then take/find another distance (B) from either point a/b to another point, point c (third site)
2) Sum of Distances: put the resulting lengths end to end (total: A+B; length of line a-b, and line b-c, or a-c)
3) Circle construction: bisect the total length (A+B/2) and draw a circle with its center at the midpoint
4) Geometric Mean: draw a line orthogonal (90°) to the diameter of the circle from point a (where this line intersects the circle determines the geometric mean
5) Arithmetic Mean: draw a line from the geometric mean intersection point to the center of the circle to determine the arithmetic mean (radius of circle)
6) Harmonic Mean: draw a line orthogonal to the radius, extending to point A (original site) to determine the harmonic mean
[All derived distances can be translated into sounds (harmonic notes), which would be harmonious with all points in question.]
[eg.Multiple electro-magnetic geometric patterns, impositions from within/without the Earth (eg.planetary geometaphysics; stars, Sun, Moon, planets; creative intelligence, or the origin of will power), influence the rhythms of civilizations on the surface range.]

Excerpt from

We could use use some of these methods when looking at different sites in Berlin?


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