Wednesday 13 October 2010

Francis Alys interview with James Lingwood 2006

"Lingwood: could we say that walking is a medium for you?

 Alys: Walking happens to be a very immediate way of unfolding [these] stories.

Lingwood: Walking generates a particular conception of time, of a human body moving at a pace when the legs can move easily. The writer Rebecca Solnit suggests the mind moves at 3 miles an hour.
                Is walking, for you, a tool for thinking?...

 Alys: It's a perfect space to process thoughts. You can function at multiple levels simultaneously[...] Also, when you are walking, you are aware of , or awake to, everything that happens in your peripheral vision: the little incidents, smells, images, sounds. Walking brings a rich state of consciousness. In our digital age, it's also one of the last private spaces [...]"

Francis Alys and James Lingwood, extract from interview IN: Johnstone, Stephen. The Everyday, Documents of Contemporary Art, MIT press, london 2008


1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful show
