Thursday 30 September 2010

Katie Paterson

Inside this desert lies the tiniest grain of sand

Vatnajökull (the sound of)  

Light bulb to Simulate Moonlight 

Streetlight Storm

All the Dead Stars

Chelle Tomes




Tuesday 28 September 2010


This is a small selection of some of the most recent work from last year and the summer.
I had been working with communication, mainly focussing in written language and it´s use of punctuation. Really interested in making new connections between already existing images and new landscapes. A way of placing the image to a new context, isolating it from its common frame: internet, books...
Dedications, is a collection of book dedications, 45 of them, all with incomplete names so there is no way to track such personal page to it´s origin.

Photomontage series, iceberg no.1, Munich 2009

(dis)placement, Mexico 2008

Show (&) the universe 2, Lauristone Castle, 2010
(postcard hang with see-through string)

Still. Quartermile One, Edinburgh, 2010

I don´t live here, Munich, 2010

del.i.cate, Munich, 2010

disjunction, Edinburgh, 2010

Dedications, Mexico Dos Dot exhibition with Rachel King, 2010

Monday 27 September 2010

Rachel Lucy King

Public participation, performance, survey, interaction and interruption are all terms which seem to pop up in my work. More recently I have been working with dialogue - the intervention of private dialogues, forced or awkward communication, the juxtaposition of scenarios and language. I proposed to Katie a public performance which would take place in individual, private locations. I will copy the proposal into the gmail account so you can see. I think working collaboratively would be brilliant in order to create a piece of work which involves as many of the people of Berlin as possible. This seems like an opportunity for us to work on a scale which normally we would not be able to achieve as individuals. It is great to see all of your work, can't wait to get started!

Claire Ferguson... Some images.

Here also is a link to my blog:

Hazel France

g r a c e s h e r r i n g t o n (i m a g e s o f w o r k)

aelyn belyn welcomes you!